Gullvåg Camping

Get to Know Gullvåg Camping Better

Welcome to Gullvåg Camping, a family-run campsite with modern facilities and beautiful natural surroundings. Here, you can enjoy a peaceful vacation with comfortable cabins, a heated swimming pool, and the best pizza in the valley, just 68 km south of Trondheim.
About us

Our History

Gullvåg began as a small farm owned by Esten and Dagmar Gullvåg. In the 1950s, they started welcoming travelers from the European Route 6, renting out simple wooden cabins and rooms on the second floor of the old main house.

Since the couple had no children, they bequeathed the Sandstad (Gullvåg) property to Aud and Olav Nyberg, who were running a Texaco station in Berkåk at the time. This was in the late 1960s. Aud and Olav became industrious owners and transformed the small farm into a modern campsite. The barn was demolished, and a new sanitary facility was built on the barn's foundation. They also built 22 cabins supplied by Sande Hyttefabrikk in Berkåk. The land was separated from the old farm on the other side of the E6, which belonged to Eirik Gullvåg (Gullvog).

Aud and Olav, along with their five children, ran the summer camping at Gullvåg until the summer of 1988. When Olav became ill, Aud needed help running the campsite. Their son Odd and his wife Oddfrid stepped in and took over the operation. The plan was to help out for just one summer, but they are still running the campsite to this day.
Luftfoto av Gullvåg Camping som viser campingplassen med campingvogner parkert langs elva, flere hytter spredt mellom trærne, og hovedbygningene med resepsjon og fasiliteter i front. Lekeplassen og trampolinene kan også sees i nedre venstre hjørne.
En gruppe mennesker som mottar en pris foran resepsjonen på Gullvåg Camping. Personene er kledd i sommerklær og smiler mot kameraet.
About us

A Family-Run Paradise

Over the years, continuous improvements have been made, and Gullvåg Camping is now a welcoming and modern campsite with 25 cabins, 18 of which have showers and toilets. The sanitary building was recently renovated in 2024. And since Oddfrid is a chef, the campsite also has its very own Pizza Gullvåg.

We are proud to have received a score of 8.5 in's Traveler Review Awards in 2020 and to have been named the Top Campsite of the Year by the NBCC in 2019. In 2006, we were also awarded the title of Best Campsite in Sør-Trøndelag by NAF and RBL. With a large playground, a heated swimming pool, and the best pizza in the valley, we welcome you to stay, dine, and enjoy your time with us!

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Experience the magic at Gullvåg Camping! Book your accommodation now and secure a spot at our scenic summer paradise for a memorable holiday.
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